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Who Would Be Ordered by the Court to Use the Ankle Bracelet Tracker?

Courts may order someone to wear an ankle bracelet GPS tracker for various reasons. These offenders are typically non-violent first-time offenders.

Understand who uses an ankle bracelet tracker

Illegal immigrants

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) sometimes orders GPS monitors instead of detaining illegal immigrants. GPS monitoring domestic violence and house arrest ankle monitor GPS is a common choice if they pose no threat or risk of leaving while waiting for their hearing.

Individuals convicted of driving under the influence (DUI)

If someone is arrested for drunk driving, the court may order them to wear an alcohol ankle bracelet tracker to prevent them from drinking while awaiting trial. This is a more cost-effective alternative to regularly sending probation officers to test individuals for alcohol use and allows for more frequent check-ins.

Parolees or probationers

Those who are on parole or probation have more freedom than those in jail but must still be supervised. Depending on the terms established during their probation, they may need to wear an ankle bracelet tracker. Someone may be restricted to home, allowed to work, attend probation meetings or go to the doctor according to these terms. The need for probation ankle bracelet trackers is common among sex offenders, certain drug crimes, flight risks, and those with a history of drunk driving.

Pre-trial detainees

Anyone who is awaiting trial and poses a flight risk outside of jail may need to wear an ankle bracelet tracker. This ensures the individual won't disappear before the trial date. This is common for those who are released on bail or who have committed non-violent crimes.

People under house arrest

House arrest means being confined to your home instead of being placed in prison or juvenile detention center. This is a cost-effective alternative to incarcerating non-violent offenders in jail. People under house arrest must wear an ankle bracelet tracker to track their movements. They may be required to stay at home or get permission to visit certain places, such as their workplace or church. These restrictions will vary depending on the nature of the crime committed. If an individual meets any of the following conditions, they may even be eligible for house arrest as their punishment: first-time offender, a juvenile under parental supervision, a non-violent offender, stable work experience, and a low-level offense.

What happens when the ankle bracelet tracker violates the terms?

If an offender violates their conditions under the monitoring system, they will be arrested. After arrest, the judge will decide if they will face any consequences for violating the terms. When offenders attempt to tamper with their devices, the device will signal law enforcement of abuse behavior. Offenders who do so typically face arrest. Violating house arrest can result in stricter terms, imprisonment, or revocation of probation. In the case of probation, offenders are likely to face re-incarceration.

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